The box office verdict is out for Salman Khan’s one of the most awaited movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan. The movie opened to 80-90% occupancy in both domestic and international markets. As the number of screens in the domestic market is about 4500 and the ticket price is also comparatively high, it’s expected to surpass the opening day collection of Salman’s Kick.
The collection in the major international markets is humongous ( e.g. Fiji: Thu F$ 15k, Australia: Fri A$ 125k, New Zealand: Fri NZ$ 55k, UK: Fri £ 180k, UAE-GCC : AED 1.1 mn [₹ 1.90 cr] on Thu). The actual figure from the USA and other overseas markets are yet the come, but the early occupancy insinuates that the total overseas collection after Friday should be in range of 14-15 crores.