Baahubali (Bahubali), SS Rajamouli’s epic film, has set a new benchmark for the dubbed Hindi version of South Indian movies. Despite facing enormous competition from Salman’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the film’s relentless campaign remained intact at the Hindi box office and as a result of that it surpassed the magical 3-digits figure in the fourth weekend.
As per the box office reports, the Hindi version of the film garnered 7.7 crores (Fri- 1.60 cr, Sat- 2.70 cr, and Sun- 3.40 cr.) in the fourth weekend to take its total collection to 103.51 crores. No dubbed Hindi version of any film has crossed this magical figure in the history of Indian cinema. As the next Bollywood biggie will hit the screens on 14th Aug, it is in the race to amass 115-120 crores at the Hindi box office. The movie lost its screen counts due to Salman’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan, otherwise, it would have definitely crossed 150 crores. The worldwide collection of the movie has already crossed 500 crores to become the biggest hit in the history of Telugu cinema.