Indian blockbuster Baahubali 2: The Conclusion was released in China on Friday (Friday 4). Though the film could not repeat its Indian box office performance in the Chinese market on opening day, it remained rock steady on the second day. As per the box office reports, the film collected $2.94 mn on Saturday to take its total Chinese box office collection to $5.37 mn (Rs. ~36 crores). The film is expected to post the similar kind of growth on Sunday too, so the first-weekend collection may cross 50 crores.
#Baahubali2 sees minimal growth on Day 2 in CHINA… Has one week to score, since #AvengersInfinityWar [next week] is expected to dominate market share.
Fri $ 2.43 mn
Shows: 51,494
Footfalls: 484,276Sat $ 2.94 mn
Shows: 46,413
Footfalls: 592,841Total: $ 5.37 mn [₹ 35.89 cr]
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 6, 2018
The film has just one week to score anything at the box office, so it will challenging to go past 100 crores in its lifetime.
The business of the film in China till now is as follows:
Day 1: $2.41 mn
Day 2: $2.94 mn