After breaking all box office records in India, SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali 2: The Conclusion has started on a positive note in the Chinese market. The movie opened in more than 7000 screens in China and ranked number one in advance bookings among new releases on May 4. As per the box office reports, the film amassed $2.43 mn [Rs. 16.24 crores] on its opening day. Baahubali 2 became the fourth Indian film that was released in the Chinese market in 2018. Other films are Secret Superstar, Hindi Medium, and Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
#Baahubali2 opens VERY WELL in CHINA… Debuts at No 3 position… Opening day numbers are lower than #SecretSuperstar and #HindiMedium, but higher than #BajrangiBhaijaan [all 2018 releases in China]…
Fri $ 2.43 mn [₹ 16.24 cr]
Shows: 51,494
Footfalls: 484,276— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 5, 2018
The first installment of the Baahubali series- Baahubali: The Beginning was released on over 5,000 screens in China on July 22, 2016, about a year after its worldwide release. The Avengers series has been a sensation in the Chinese film market. Released in May 2012, The Avengers raked in Rs 597.52 crore (568.5 million yuan), while Avengers: Age of Ultron, which hit the screens three years later, grossed over Rs 1,534 crore (1.46 billion yuan). So, Babubali 2 does not enough days to do some box office wonders in China.