Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar starrer comedy film Badhaai Do had a below-average opening at the Indian box office. Many states in India still report big COVID numbers, so it was expected that the film would have a dull beginning. The film gathered some momentum on Saturday and Sunday, but restrictions during the night shows affected its collection badly. Due to Valentine’s day, it should remain steady on Monday, but the lifetime collection will depend on the post-Monday collections. Both audience and critics have given thumbs-up to the film. If the COVID cases continue to drop in the coming days, the film may cross 20 crores in its lifetime. Otherwise, it would be a difficult path to reach the target of even 20 crores.
Badhaai Do is a Bollywood comedy-drama film written by Suman Adhikary and Akshat Ghildial and directed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni. Junglee Pictures has produced the film, and it stars Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles. Badhaai Do was theatrically released on 11 February 2022.
The Indian box office collection of Badhaai Do is as follows:
Day | Net Collection (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Friday | 1.65 Cr. |
Day 2 | First Saturday | 2.72 Cr. |
Day 3 | First Sunday | 3.45 Cr. |
Day 4 | First Monday | 1.85 Cr. |
Day 5 | First Tuesday | 1.12 Cr. |
Day 6 | First Wednesday | 1 Cr. |
Day 7 | First Thursday | 0.81 Cr. |
First Week | 12.60 Cr. | |
Day 8 | Second Friday | 0.75 Cr. |
Day 9 | Second Saturday | 1.54 Cr. |
Day 10 | Second Sunday | 2.00 Cr. |
Total collection: ₹ 16.89 Cr.