Despite facing competition from new releases and IPL matches, Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani starrer Baaghi 2 has managed to maintain its record-breaking spree at the box office in the second week too. Although the film is earning less than 5 crores during weekdays, it has already beaten the lifetime collections of Varun Dhawan’s solo highest grosser Judwaa 2, which had raked in Rs 138.61 crores during its theatrical run.As per the box office reports, the film collected approx. 3.40 crores on second Tuesday to take it total domestic box office collection to 142.55 crores after 12 days. The Ahmed Khan directorial has won the hearts of the masses as well as the critics with some stellar acting performances by the leading actors. Apart from the domestic market, the film has done a tremendous business in the international markets as well. Baaghi 2 has crossed Rs 220 crore mark globally and is soon expected to achieve the Rs 250 crore benchmark at the global box office. (source: bollywoodlife)
The business of Baaghi 2 till now is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 112.85 cr
Weekend 2: ₹ 22.50 cr
Monday: ₹ 3.80 cr
Tuesday: ₹ 3.40 cr
Total: ₹ 142.55 cr