Alleged couple Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani starrer action flick Baaghi 2 maintained its pace at the box office on second Monday despite IPL matches. Although the film is losing a few lakhs due to IPL matches in the evening, the loss is not very significant. It is still able to garner a good number of footfalls during the daytime.As per the box office reports, the film collected approx. 3.80 crores on second Monday to take its total domestic box office collection to 139.15 crores after 11 days. The daily collection of the film in its second week is as follows: Fri 5.70 cr, Sat 7.30 cr, Sun 9.50 cr. Mon 4.15 cr. The film witnessed a normal drop in the collection compared to second Friday and has defied all competitions from other movies currently sharing screens. The film has continued to sustain well on day 11 and another benchmark of Rs 150 crore doesn’t seem very far away now. It should reach the milestone of 150 crores on third Friday.
The business of Baaghi 2 till now is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 112.85 cr
Weekend 2: ₹ 22.50 cr
Monday: ₹ 3.80 cr
Total: ₹ 139.15 cr