After a splendid start, Ahmed Khan’s directorial Baaghi 2 has continued to maintain its steady run at the box office. The film witnessed more than 50% drop in the collection on Monday due to strike in several states, but the business on both Monday and Tuesday was still more than 10 crores. The steady collection during weekdays is definitely a positive sign for the film in long run, however, action films without a good story always fail to get a good number of footfalls from the second week.
As per the box office reports, the film amassed 10.60 crores on first Tuesday to take its total domestic box office collection to 95.80 crores. The daily collection of the film in its first week is as follows: Fri 25.10 cr, Sat 20.40 cr, Sun 27.60 cr, Mon 12.10 cr, Tue 10.60 cr.
#Baaghi2 is all set to cruise past ₹ 100 cr mark today [Wed; Day 6]… Tiger Shroff debuts in ₹ 100 cr Club with #Baaghi2… Fri 25.10 cr, Sat 20.40 cr, Sun 27.60 cr, Mon 12.10 cr, Tue 10.60 cr. Total: ₹ 95.80 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 4, 2018
The film is all set to cruise 100 crores mark on Wednesday, which means the first-week collection will be more than 110 crores. The only worry for the film is its genre, but if it has a decent story, it may remain rock-steady in the second week. It has already become the third highest earning film of the year and if it continues its good run, it’s sure to break more records.