Despite several new Bollywood and Hollywood releases, Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani starrer Baaghi 2 has managed to survive well at the box office. In spite of getting scathing reviews from the critics, the film had the biggest opening for a Bollywood movie in 2018 and continued its juggernaut in the first week. As per the box office report, the film has crossed 165 crores in 6 weeks in the domestic market. The film is now running on a very small number of screens, so the lifetime collection will remain at 165.50 crores. It currently holds the third spot in the list of 2018’s highest grosser after Padmaavat and Avengers: Infinity War.
When BO numbers do the talking… #Baaghi2 crosses ₹ 165 cr mark [NettBOC; India biz]… HUMONGOUS ACHIEVEMENT… Raises the expectations from #Baaghi3.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 12, 2018
Apart from that, it is also the biggest blockbuster of both Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani. The film is the sequel to 2016 film ‘Baaghi’, which was helmed by Sabbir Khan. The film is high on action and drama and qualifies to be called as a typical masala Bollywood potboiler.