Ahmed Khan’s high octane action film Baaghi 2 added a few crores to its kitty in the third weekend to become the first blockbuster movie of 2018. Although the film has lost its momentum, 100+ crores business in the first week earned it BLOCKBUSTER tag. It has become the 19th film to cross the 150 crore mark and is the lowest budget film to achieve this feat, so ROI is going to be big.As per the box office reports, the film garnered 7.20 crores in the third weekend to take its total domestic box office collection to 155.65 crores after 17 days. The daily collection of the film in its third week is as follows: Fri 1.75 cr, Sat 2.50 cr, Sun 2.95 cr.
#Baaghi2 biz at a glance…
Week 1: ₹ 112.85 cr
Week 2: ₹ 35.60 cr
Weekend 3: ₹ 7.20 cr
Total: ₹ 155.65 cr
India biz.
BLOCKBUSTER.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 16, 2018
The lifetime business of the film may finish around 165-170 crores because there is no big release in April. Not only has this film garnered a good response from the audience and critics but the reprised versions of iconic songs like ‘Mundiyan To Bach Ke Rahi’ and ‘Ek Do Teen’ too have been topping the music charts. (Souce:TOI)
The business of Baaghi 2 till now is as follows:
Week 1: ₹ 112.85 cr
Week 2: ₹ 35.60 cr
Weekend 3: ₹ 7.20 cr
Total: ₹ 155.65 cr
170 crores is the reasonable target that I can achieve.