Ajay Devgn’s latest film Baadshaho had a normal drop in the collection on Monday. After posting a handsome total in first weekend, the film embarked upon weekday’s journey on a good note and as a result of that, it could score a half-century in four days. Since the film was riding on an excellent pre-release buzz, the collection can not be termed as exciting.
As per the box office reports, the film collected 6.82 crore on fourth day to take its total domestic box office collection 50.12 crores. The daily collection of the film so far is as follows: Fri 12.60 cr, Sat 15.60 cr, Sun 15.10 cr, and Mon 6.82 cr.
#Baadshaho crosses ₹ 50 cr mark… Fri 12.60 cr, Sat 15.60 cr, Sun 15.10 cr, Mon 6.82 cr. Total: ₹ 50.12 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 5, 2017
Now the film has to maintain this pace to post a decent total in first week. Any further drop in the collection will definitely mar the lifetime prospect of the film. As per the current trend, it seems that it can add additional 12-15 crores to its kitty in the remaining three days of first week. The first week collection should be close to 63-65 crores and depending on the performance in second weekend, one can say whether or not it will cross 100 crores figure in the domestic market.