Ajay Devgn and Ileana D’Cruz starrer period heist film Baadshaho opened on a solid note on Friday. Although the film got mixed reviews from critics, it was able to pull its target audiences to the theaters. The promo and songs were really exciting and it was expected to have an excellent opening, but it fell short of the expected figure.As per the box office reports, the movie amassed 12.03 crores on first Friday. The film had good occupancy in single screens, but the occupancy in multiplexes was on the lower side and as a result of that the opening figure is less than the expected number.
#Baadshaho starts on a SOLID NOTE… Fri ₹ 12.03 cr. India biz… Biz should only grow stronger on Sat and Sun.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 2, 2017
The moviegoers have given thumbs up to the movie, so the collection should jump during the weekend. Looking at the current trend, it looks like the opening weekend collection may be 40-42 crores.