Ajay Davgn’s latest film Baadshaho did an excellent business in its first week at the domestic box office. Although the film faced competition from several new and old films, it sailed through. As the competition will get more intense in second weekend due to two new releases, it will have to maintain the pace to earn a decent amount in second week.
As per the box office reports, the film amassed 64.14 crores in the very first week. The daily collection of the film in its first week is as follows: Fri 12.60 cr, Sat 15.60 cr, Sun 15.10 cr, Mon 6.82 cr, Tue 6.12 cr, Wed 4.30 cr, Thu 3.60 cr.
#Baadshaho Fri 12.60 cr, Sat 15.60 cr, Sun 15.10 cr, Mon 6.82 cr, Tue 6.12 cr, Wed 4.30 cr, Thu 3.60 cr. Total: ₹ 64.14 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) September 8, 2017
The film was running at a good pace until Tuesday, but it lost momentum on Wednesday and Thursday. Because of lost momentum, it could not surpass 65 crores in first week. The budget of the film is 65 crores, so it will enter into profit zone in second weekend. Looking at the drop on Wednesday and Thursday, it seems that the film will not be able to touch 100 crores figure in its lifetime.