Anek is an upcoming Bollywood action thriller film written and directed by Anubhav Sinha and produced by T-Series. Set in North East India, it portrays the journey of an undercover cop on a mission to find peace. The film stars Ayushmann Khurrana as the main lead alongside J.D. Chakravarthy, Andrea Kevichüsa, Manoj Pahwa, and Kumud Mishra.
Starcast of the movie:
- Ayushmann Khurrana
- J.D. Chakravarthy
- Andrea Kevichüsa
- Deeplina Deka
- Manoj Pahwa
- Kumud Mishra
- Loitongbam Dorendra
The film will be released on 27 May 2022. Watch the trailer of the movie and post your comments about it.