Despite all hypes and promotion, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone starrer 83 had a lame start at the Indian box office. The film has been released in 5 languages on ~4000 screens, but the opening collection is below par. It also faces tough competition from Spiderman and Pushpa, which are running houseful at many places. Many film critics watched the movie on Tuesday and gave an excellent review, but it seems that moviegoers did not buy their thoughts. Since Saturday is a holiday in India, it should grow in metros. However, mass centers may remain dull as Pushpa is doing excellent business in those places.
83 has just one open week at the box office as many big movies will hit theaters starting from 31st December. The film’s budget is 225+ crores which seems nearly impossible to recover. Considering the average opening, it appears to be a flop at the box office.
83 is a Bollywood sports drama film directed by Kabir Khan and produced by Deepika Padukone, Kabir Khan, Sheetal Vinod Talwar, Vishnuvardhan Induri, Sajid Nadiadwala, Reliance Entertainment, and 83 Film Ltd. The film is based on the Indian national cricket team led by Kapil Dev, which won the 1983 Cricket World Cup.
The Indian box office collection of 83 is as follows:
Day | Net Collection in India (in ₹ ) | |
Day 1 | First Friday | 12.64 |
Day 2 | First Saturday | 16.95 |
Day 3 | First Sunday | 17.41 |
Day 4 | First Monday | 7.29 |
Day 5 | First Tuesday | 6.70 |
Day 6 | First Wednesday | 5.67 |
Day 7 | First Thursday | 5.21 |
Week 1 | 71.87 | |
Day 8 | Second Friday | 4.36 |
Day 9 | Second Saturday | 7.73 |
Day 10 | Second Sunday | 7.31 |
Day 11 | Second Monday | 2.01 |
Day 12 | Second Tuesday | 1.52 |
Day 13 | Second Wednesday | 1.12 |
Day 14 | Second Thursday | 1.08 |
Week 2 | 97.00 | |
Day 15 | Third Friday | 0.80 |
Day 16 | Third Saturday | 1.29 |
Day 17 | Third Sunday | 1.47 |
Total collection: ₹ 100.56 Cr