After a slow opening on Friday, Umesh Shukla’s 102 Not Out showed a good jump in the collection on the second day of its release. It seems that a strong word of mouth publicity has worked in film’s favor and it may post another jump in the collection on Sunday. As per the box office reports, the film collected 5.53 crores on first Saturday to take its total domestic box office collection to 9.05 crores. Considering its strong word of mouth and its family theme, the movie might just witness a bigger jump on Sunday.
Strong word of mouth is translating into BO numbers… #102NotOut witnesses an upward trend on Day 2… 57.10% growth… It’s all about maintaining the pace today [Sun] and also on weekdays… Fri 3.52 cr, Sat 5.53 cr. Total: ₹ 9.05 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) May 6, 2018
As expected, the first-weekend collection is going to cross 15 crores mark. The movie is about a lively, optimistic father and a cynical, pessimistic son. When the father decides to send his son to an old age, the son tries ways to stop him.
The business of the film till now is as follows:
Day 1: 3.52 cr
Day 2: 5.53 cr